Tuesday, December 7th 2021

Madrid Time (GMT+1)

9:00-10:00 Keynote 1: Professor Salil Kanhere
Title: Blockchain in Future Energy Systems: Applications, Opportunities and Challenges
Abstract and short bio
10:00-10:30 Technical Session 1
  • Power Optimization using Throughput Maximization in MISO-Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access System
    Mohammad Gaballa, Maysam F Abbod, and Ahmed Jamee
  • A Blockchain-based Approach for Optimal Energy Dispatch and Fault Reporting in P2P Microgrid
    Roshan Singh, Pranav Kumar Singh, and Sukumar Nandi

11:00-12:00 Keynote 2: Professor Álvaro Gomes
Title: Decarbonization, decentralization and digitalization of (future) power systems and the role of demand-side resources
Abstract and short bio
12:00-12:30 Technical Session 2
  • Power Allocation Method Based on Two-Stage Stackelberg Game in Wireless Networks
    Guangxian Zhang, Rugui Yao, Ye Fan, and Xiaoya Zuo
  • Gossip vs. merit order cross-commodity markets
    Josef Schindler and Arpit Bajpai

Important dates

Papers due: 31 July 2021 14 August 2021
Acceptance notification: 15 September 2021 
Camera-ready paper due: 15 November 2021
